Using AWS ElastiCache Redis with Spinnaker
To productionalize a Spinnaker installation for high availability, one of the recommendations is to use an external Redis store, such as AWS ElasticCache. This guide will go over how to migrate a Kubernetes installation of Spinnaker to an AWS ElasticCache Redis instance using Halyard.
All config files (with the proper directory structure) used in this guide can be found in this this repo: ysawa0/spinnaker-elasticcache-redis
Create the ElastiCache instance
Keep Cluster Mode
Node type will depend on your needs and budget, here we chose a m5.large
For Engine Version
choose 3.2.10
Configure Halyard and update Spinnaker
After the instance is created, copy the Primary Endpoint
for the cluster.
If you want to update all Spinnaker services at once, place this snippet into ~/.hal/default/service-settings/redis.yml
with your endpoint.
To update each Spinnaker service at a time, place the below into ~/.hal/default/profile-settings/$SERVICE-local.yml
Where $SERVICE would be orca, clouddriver, gate, etc.
Lastly, after updating the base URLs, place this into ~/.hal/default/profiles/gate-local.yml
Now update Spinnaker by running hal deploy apply
After you confirm that everything is working as expected, it’s time to disable the spin-redis service.
Update ~/.hal/default/service-settings/redis.yml
by inserting enabled: false
And scale down the Redis Deployment to 0 replicas in Kubernetes.
Now sit back, relax and enjoy having to monitor one less data store.